FROM Pre-Con Registration

The 2025 FROM Pre-Con:
Measuring Your Impact So Funders Take Notice
Thursday, June 12, 2025
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
One problem that most non-profits share when it comes to connecting their mission with their intended outcomes is thinking of measurement in a two-dimensional way. It’s common to think that numbers are the way to measure. But there’s more to connecting your mission with what you accomplish than counting!
This year’s FROM Pre-Con, Measuring Your Impact So Funders Take Notice, will help you think through your mission and desired impact/outcomes, and then conceive of a way to gather data related to your programs in a way that helps tell the story of your impact.
The workshop will focus on how to measure your programs, and provide training on how to do it. The goal will be to be think about the investment-generating stories that need to be told, and then work backwards to create the right measurement process to illustrate those stories.
You will leave with a new understanding of what you’re measuring and how to measure it, a possible version of a measurement tool, a work plan for implementing the measurement insights, and an improved focus as to how to prove you are accomplishing your mission!

John Ferrone is a nationally recognized consultant, organizational coach, and family member. He specializes in assisting family-run organizations to build capacity to be sustainable, as well as how to collaborate and achieve a statewide vision.
Please note the following:
- Registration is required and space is limited.
- The mandatory fee for the FROM Pre-Con is $25, due at the time of registration. A catered luncheon will be provided.
- All FROM Pre-Con attendees must also register for The 27th Annual Family Cafe here. Financial Assistance requests must be made through The 27th Annual Family Cafe registration process.