The Florida Youth Council

The Florida Youth Council is a group of youth and emerging leaders (age 15-30) with disabilities or special health care needs that live in Florida. We are a program of The Family Cafe.
The FYC is all about getting youth and emerging leaders involved in self-advocacy, peer mentoring and other activities that will improve the quality of life for youth and emerging leaders with disabilities in Florida. The program provides a means for youth and emerging leaders to decide what issues are important to their generation, to express those issues in their state and local communities, and to develop strategies to solve them.
The Florida Youth Council offers many opportunities for interested youth and emerging leaders to participate, including an Annual Youth Summit, program content at The Family Café Annual Conference, a program Newsletter in both electronic and print formats, and a comprehensive online outreach program that takes advantage of the power of social networking.
To learn more about The Florida Youth Council, visit their website at